Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Elsa Mauer Nicodemus - "The Cadillac Queen"

Walk into any auto repair or restoration shop and ask for the owner. You'll be guaranteed to be introduced to a man. It's just the nature of the industry. The exceptions are few and far between. However, if you travel to Dutchess County, NY, you'll find Elsa Mauer Nicodemus at the helm of the world's more well-respected restorer of old Cadillacs.

Dubbed "The Cadillac Queen" by prominent lifestyle magazine Hudson Valley,  she's been at the top of the auto restoration business for over thirty years. They wrote a wonderful article about her Cadillac restoration business and its long history of success.

Classic Cadillac Photos!

If you're scouring the internet in search of classic Cadillac photos, one stop should be the Instagram feed of Cadillac Parts & Restoration. From pics of their classic Cadillac restoration projects to anything elsa Cadillac-related, their account is frequently updated and will satisfy the fix of any Cadillac fan.