For classic Cadillac owners the most prestigious car show of the year is the annual Grand National Meet held by the Cadillac & LaSalle Club. Classic car owners from across North America bring the finest restored Cadillacs to the meet for strict judging.
Every year since 2013, Cadillac Parts & Restoration (CPR) has won multiple First Place/Best of Show awards at these meets. In 2014, CPR restorations took home three First Place awards. The winning cars were: a 1936 Cadillac, a 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Seville and a 1959 Cadillac Coupe deVille.
Since 1984 (as FEN Enterprises), the Cadillac Parts & Restoration team has produced the finest restored Cadillacs in the world and continues the tradition of winning the highest honors for its customers.
Every year since 2013, Cadillac Parts & Restoration (CPR) has won multiple First Place/Best of Show awards at these meets. In 2014, CPR restorations took home three First Place awards. The winning cars were: a 1936 Cadillac, a 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Seville and a 1959 Cadillac Coupe deVille.
Since 1984 (as FEN Enterprises), the Cadillac Parts & Restoration team has produced the finest restored Cadillacs in the world and continues the tradition of winning the highest honors for its customers.